About The Founder

This platform represents a dream I’ve had for a long time, finally coming true thanks to hard work. I’ve always been someone who marches to the beat of their own drum, not one to follow the crowd. For me, personal freedom is key, especially when it comes to making decisions about my health and life. It’s frustrating to see so many rules and regulations, not just in the Netherlands but all around the world. These rules limit our freedom to express ourselves, make choices, and even control where our hard-earned money goes. Who wants to see their money disappearing into countless taxes?
Sadly, in the Netherlands, human rights are still being ignored. Important information is kept from us, preventing us from forming our own opinions and leading our own lives. Big industries have too much power, feeding us information that often leads to unhealthy choices, all in the name of making big bucks. And our government? Well, they seem more interested in collecting taxes than protecting us from these injustices.
I worry about our rights and our health, especially when natural remedies are pushed aside in favor of pharmaceuticals. There’s so much goodness in nature – from food to herbs to supplements – but it’s all too often overshadowed by unnecessary red tape. It’s crazy to think that healthy food gets taxed more than junk food!
I’ve come to believe that governments aren’t really necessary. They’re funded by our hard-earned money, and yet they seem to only make our lives more complicated. By participating in elections, we’re essentially giving away our power and letting others dictate our lives.
My goal is to inspire people to think differently, to live more consciously, and to break free from the brainwashing that’s held us back for so long. This platform is a source of inspiration, a place where we can clear away the mental fog and start thinking for ourselves again. When our minds are clear, we can see just how corrupt the system is and how our rights are being trampled on. It’s time to wake up and take back control of our lives.
I’m determined to create a world free from government and corporate corruption, where unnecessary rules and indoctrination are a thing of the past. Most importantly, I want to protect our basic human rights and ensure that everyone has the freedom to live their lives as they see fit.